Rudolf Stökl, who joined the Taizé Community in 1962, died in hospital in Mâcon, not far from Taizé, on the morning of December 17, 2024, in his 89th year. The celebration of thanksgiving for his life will take place on Tuesday January 7 at 3pm in the Church of Reconciliation in Taizé.His childhood was deeply marked by the Second World War and the post-war years of scarcity. As a teenager, he (...)
20 December 2024
Charles-Eugène Magnin, who joined the Taizé Community in 1958, died peacefully in Taizé on the night of December 3-4, 2024, in his 87th year, after a long illness. The celebration of thanksgiving for his life took place on Monday December 9 at 3pm in the Church of Reconciliation in Taizé.He was born in Switzerland, in 1938, at Saint-Sulpice in the canton of Neuchâtel. As a young theology student (...)
5 December 2024
The Taizé Community comprises around eighty brothers from different church backgrounds – Catholic, Anglican, Protestant – and from nearly thirty countries. By its very existence, it is a “parable of community”: a tangible sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and separated peoples. Most of the brothers live in the village of Taizé (Burgundy, France). Other (...)
18 April 2024
Heinz-Peter Rudolf, who, upon entering the community of Taizé in 1954, took the name of Brother Marc, died on January 19, 2024, in his 93rd year. He had been hospitalized for a few days in Mâcon. The celebration of his funeral will take place on Sunday January 21 at 3 p.m. in the Church of Reconciliation in Taizé. He was born in Switzerland, in 1931, in Esslingen (canton of Zurich). He (...)
20 January 2024
In keeping with the Rule of Taizé, according to which the prior of the community appoints a brother to ensure continuity after him, Brother Alois carried out a consultation among all the brothers and handed over his office as prior to Brother Matthew, who is English and by denomination Anglican. The change of prior took place on Saturday 2 December, 2023 during the evening prayer. See Brother (...)
30 October 2023
Many young people come to Taizé every year, but how can they be encouraged to pray and work with others in the places where they live? The notion of a pilgrimage of trust wants to address this concern by proposing to each person to set out... "Walk forward on your way, because it exists only by your walking. " First of all a meeting During the stages of the pilgrimage of trust, whether big or small and international or local, the participants and their hosts are (...)
31 January 2012
After a time of preparation, a new brother in the community makes his lifelong commitment. Here are the words used to express this commitment.Beloved brother, what are you asking for? The mercy of God and the community of my brothers. May God complete in you what he has begun. Brother, you trust in God’s mercy: remember that the Lord Christ comes to help your humble faith and that committing (...)
20 November 2010
Everything began in 1940 when, at the age of twenty-five, Brother Roger left Switzerland, the country where he was born, to go and live in France, the country his mother came from. For years he had been ill with tuberculosis, and during that long convalescence he had matured within him the call to create a community. When the Second World War began, he had the conviction that without wasting time he should come to the assistance of people going through this ordeal, just as his grandmother (...)
8 March 2008