Community Council | Prayer of Brother Matthew


The Community held its annual Community Council from 19 to 26 January. On Sunday evening, a common prayer concluded the Council with the sign of prostration by which the brothers recall the day of their commitment. Beforehand, Brother Matthew said the following prayer:

God of hope, blessed are you!

We thank you for these days of retreat and Council that you have enabled us to live together.

We thank you for your call to each one of us to follow your Son Jesus every day in our community, whether we are in Taizé or on mission in the fraternities. Enable us to listen to the whisper of the gentle breeze of his voice, he who is gentle and humble of heart, and lead us to grasp ever more deeply what you expect of us today.

We thank you for the witness of the lives of our brothers Charles-Eugène and Rudolf, whom you have welcomed into your eternal peace. We thank you for the brothers who have made their life commitment in the community and for the new brothers who have joined us this year.

May your Holy Spirit rekindle in us the passion for the unity of all those who live from the Gospel, who love Christ; rekindle in us the flame of fraternal love; rekindle in us the desire to deepen a life in you, a contemplative gaze.

May we remain all small so that we can welcome with empty hands the gift you offer us, the gift of each person, the gift of your creation, the gift of your presence, so that we may become gift in our turn.

May we keep our door open for those you entrust to us, and may our house more and more echo the presence of Christ.

Together, may we bring to Christ at every moment that which is paralysed in us, in our community, in the Church and in the world you have loved so much. Help us to accept that we too sometimes need to be carried by others.

Help us to understand how to live and speak of your forgiveness among ourselves, and how to understand it where there are wounds and injustice.

Day after day, you invite us, God of hope, to drink from the source of your love, an inexhaustible source of kindness and compassion that never disappoints.

Lead our steps along the path of peace and make us pilgrims of hope, pilgrims of this peace.

Vidéo de la prière en direct

Last updated: 27 January 2025