Daily life will consist, as for other volunteers, of participating in the three daily prayers, services related to the meetings and the common life of the group (meals, time for reflection and sharing, household chores). Accommodation will be simple, set apart, in one of the houses belonging to the meetings.
Being part of this group will mean, to:
- □ commit, after a trial period, for 3 months or more;
- □ be open and available for the period of time spent in Taizé;
- □ actively participate and enrich the common life of the group.
You can be accompanied by a person who will be there to listen to you personally and, if you feel the need, you will be able to spend a week in silence.
This group of volunteers will operate from June until September 2025.
Ce groupe de bénévoles sera ouvert de juin à septembre 2025.
If you are interested in this proposal, please fill in the the form below and send it to us at the address longerstay taize.fr. The number of places is limited. We will reply to those who apply according to our ability to host them.