Meetings in Taizé
Register for the meetingsIf you are thinking of coming to Taizé, please use the registration form to make a first contact even if you are uncertain about the details. This helps us keep track of the many enquiries we receive. When you first fill in a registration you will be sent login information which allows to you to change any details, to add or remove participants, or indeed to cancel the registration completely. >>> Registration form [] Here are some answers to frequently asked questions: Before making a first registrationDo I have to register each person in a separate registration?No. You can put young people, adults and families with children all in one registration. I do not yet know all the people who will be coming...That’s OK. To make an initial registration you need to include at least one person who will be coming. On the form there is a box for you to put an estimated number of extra participants whose details you will add later. What contact details do I need to give?We need contact details (email, phone, postal address) for just one person with whom to correspond. All correspondence will be sent to the email address you give. What information do I need to give about the people coming with me?Their first name, surname, gender and date of birth. If you are coming with a large group of young people, you can upload a whole list in one operation. It needs to be in this format:
Some of our group are arriving/leaving on different days...A registration can only contain people who have the same arrival and departure dates (although it is not absolutely necessary that they travel together). So if your group includes people with varying arrival and departure dates, you will need to make two or more registrations. Can I have a copy of my registration?On the final page of the form there is a button which allows you to obtain a copy of the registration you have made in spreadsheet format. I am organising a group and I need my own list with extra information...And it’s tiring to keep two lists up-to-date in parallel... Try this: What about data privacy?Please see: Note on the protection of private data - Taizé registration form Changing your registrationI need to add/remove people, change the dates, or cancel the registration.Log in to your initial registration [] and make the necessary changes. Please never create a second registration to “correct” one already made. If you are unable to access your original registration, contact the meetings team for help, putting your registration code in double brackets in the subject line of your email. There’s something I need to ask the meetings team.If possible, log in to your registration form and use it to send a message. If you need to send a free-standing email, please include your registration code (leave the brackets around it) in the subject line of your message. ProblemsI made a registration but have not received any login information.If, several hours after making your first registration, you have not received an automatic email with login details for your registration then it is usually because of one of two things: If you need to, contact meetings direct by email and ask them to resend the login information. I cannot fill in the form because of a technical problem.Please use the link at the bottom of the form, “Report a technical problem” and give as many details as you can (how far did you get in the form; what caused the difficulty; which browser are you using, ...). If even this does not work, contact webadmin I have a question about the meetings in Taizé but do not want to make a registration.Please contact meetings |