Short Writings from Taizé

24. Unfailing Faith

If faith is a gift from God, why do we usually see it as the result of human effort? And where does this gift come from? Why do some people have it and others apparently not? This short writing attempts to answer these questions based on an investigation of the vocabulary of faith in the Bible. We discover that faith is first of all an attribute of God – God’s reliability, God’s faithfulness – that awakens in us a response of trust. It is both the unshakeable Rock and the act of building one’s house on that rock. And it is Jesus, the true and faithful Witness, who shows us both these dimensions of faith in exemplary fashion.

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Short writings from Taizé

These short texts from Taizé, written by some of the brothers, wish to offer an approach to the fundamental wellsprings of the faith. Inspired by the experience of the young adult meetings that take place around the community year after year, they examine questions that are vital for Christians today.

Printed copies, for many of these titles, are available from Taizé. Buy Online.

Printed from: - 26 January 2025
Copyright © 2025 - Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, Taizé Community, 71250 France