

Regular prayers

There are many regular prayers in the UK which started by contact with Taizé. The ones on this list are only a selection: those prayers with which the community remains more closely in touch through personal contact.


- Every Wednesday, 7:30 pm; St John’s Church, St John’s Place (off Crown Street); Tony Broderick, 07828821869, tonybroderick gmail.com


- 3rd Sunday of month 6:00 pm, prayer in a church (moving around the city). Helen and Peter Woodall, phpaw2 btinternet.com.


- Every Monday (except in August, and Bank Holiday Mondays), 6:30 pm, 119d Hollingdean Terrace, BN1 7HB. Hannah Bywaters hbywaters yahoo.com

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Prayer in the Bridge Chapel, Derby


- Thursdays, 6.15pm, in university term time; Fisher House (Catholic Chaplaincy), Songyuan Zhao sz311 cam.ac.uk

Chagford (Devon)

- 3rd Sunday of every month at 6 pm by candlelight, St Michael the Archangel, Chagford, Devon.TQ13 8BN. Clare Pargeter via email at clarepargeter yahoo.co.uk, 01647 279288


- Bi-monthly, 7:00 pm, St Pancras Church, Guildhall Shopping Centre, EX4 3AT. Nigel Walsh nigel ncw.eclipse.co.uk

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Prayer in Edinburgh


- once a month during term-time, Memorial Chapel, Glasgow University, with the Chapel choir. For details see www.chapelchoir.org/services-and-ev..., or contact chaplaincy glasgow.ac.uk.


- Monthly prayers on Sunday evenings in Markfield. Karen Silverwood karensilverwood googlemail.com. Prayers in 2024 at Markfield Methodist Church, LE67 9UU at 6pm: (24 December 2023 at 4.30pm), 28 January, 25 February, 10 March,
14 April, 12 May, 16 June.


- 1st Sunday of the month, 7:00 pm; Wesley’s Chapel & Leysian Mission, 49 City Road, EC1Y 1AU; Steven Cooper, minister wesleyschapel.org.uk, www.wesleyschapel.org.uk

- 3rd Friday of the month, St Mary’s Church Putney, 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm; Putney High St, SW15 1SN, Clare Harbin, clarebwharbin gmail.com, https://stmarys.parishofputney.com

Heath Street Baptist Church, 84 Heath Street, Hampstead, NW3 1DN;

- Every Wednesday, 6:00 pm; All Hallows by the Tower, Byward Street, London EC3R 5BJ; tube: Tower Hill; parish ahbtt.org.uk

- Every Wednesday and Friday, 8:00-8:30 am:
St Mary Aldermary Watling Street EC4M 9BW (tube: Bank/Mansion House/St Paul’s); Paul Kennedy, priest moot.uk.net

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Morning prayer, St. Mary Aldermary

- Last Wednesday of month (usually: check dates on web page below), 7:30 pm; Sisters of St Andrew, 99 Belmont Hill, Lewisham, SE13 5DY; nearest station: Blackheath; 0208 852 1662; https://sisters-of-st-andrew.com/me...

- 3rd Sunday of month, 5:00 pm; St James’s Piccadilly, 197 Piccadilly, W1J 9LL; Graham Sharpe, grahamtsharpe hotmail.co.uk

- Last Saturday of the month, 7:15 pm; Notre Dame de France Church, 5 Leicester Place, WC2H 7BX; see church website Anne-Marie Salgo, info ndfchurch.org


- 2nd Sunday of the month, 6.30 pm; St Clement’s Church, Marston Rd, Oxford OX4 1FN. parish.office stclements.org.uk, https://www.stclements.org.uk/

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Prayer in Broomhill Methodist Church, Sheffield


- 3rd Sunday of month, 7:00 pm; St Mark’s Church, Broomfield Road, S10 2SE; On Facebook, Mark Ansell markansell85 hotmail.com

Tetbury (Glos.)

- 2nd Thursday of month, 8:00 pm (7:40 pm song practice) in one of the 3 churches; Robin and Sue Ingall: 01666 503180, cringall btinternet.com


- Last Sunday of month (usually) 6 pm (Check service listings on the Cathedral website.); Sue Foster suemfoster01 gmail.com

Last updated: 18 December 2024